More mortgages disappearing from the market

People who are looking to purchase a property or remortgage in the current climate, need to act fast.

Lenders are changing products and criteria on a daily basis as they wrestle with liquidity issues and problems with pricing.

The mortgage market is changing rapidly and you need to try and ensure that you act fast to try and complete the deal as soon as you can to avoid disappointment.

There are limited funds around at the moment and products are not being withdrawn without reason.

In the sub prime sector it is becoming ever harder to place business and if you have more than 3 arrears in the last 12 months you will really struggle to find a lender. Our lender panel has been whittled down to 5 lenders who are actively writing business at the moment.

However we are still managing to complete mortgage business for clients and although it is an uphill struggle the fact that we have in house underwriters for these main lenders we are still achieving good completion times.

If you are in need of a bad credit, poor credit, ccj, or problem remortgage or debt consolidation services, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Solution Mortgages on 0845 123 1260 or apply online at