Finances at the best of times can be unpredictable, mounting debts or an untimely change in circumstances could lead to you falling behind with your repayments, incurring defaults and even County Court Judgements (CCJ’s). We understand that if you have incurred any of the above that it can often be difficult to arrange the finance that you require as it can conflict with the more ‘traditional lenders’ criteria, making it harder for you to find a mortgage.

Fortunately, we use a range of specialist lenders who will consider applications from potential borrowers with mortgage arrears, defaults & CCJs registered against them. We will advise and recommend the most approriate products taking into consideration your current profile and needs.

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Even if you have had special terms imposed on remortgages in the past, or refused a mortgage, in many cases Solution Mortgages will still be able to help no matter what your circumstances.

To find out how we can help, complete the online form – or call us on 0800 035 6443 to speak to one of our experienced staff.