If you have a poor credit rating, Solution Mortgages should still be able to arrange a poor credit remortgage, regardless of your credit history.
Using the most up to date technology we will provide you with all the information you need to choose the right poor credit remortgage to suit your needs.
You may have acquired a poor credit rating due to mortgage arrears both past and present,
County Court Judgement (CCJ’s) or been made bankrupt. This would mean that you would be unlikely to obtain a mortgage from a traditional lender but would be eligible for a poor credit remortgage and be able to start repairing your poor credit history.
Solution Mortgages will process the poor credit remortgage for you, dealing with any third parties on your behalf including surveyors and solicitors all the way through to completion.
If you are interested in discussing a poor credit remortgage please feel free to call us on 0845 123 1260 to discuss your options or apply online at https://www.solution-mortgages.co.uk/