Solution Mortgages now offer Accident Sickness & Unemploymnet Insurance (ASU insurance) through it's website
We do not offer advice on insurance products however it is prudent for any new loan borrower to protect themselves against the possibility of loss of earnings due to accident sickness or unemployment. This insurance is not compulsory and your loan application will not be prejudiced in any way.
Your Demands
You would like some or all of your loan repayments to be paid if you become involuntarily unemployed or ill.
Your Needs
You do not have any way to pay your loan if you have any accident, become sick or are involuntarily unemployed.
To be eligible for this insurance policy you must be :-
Either the first or second named borrower on your loan offer.
Over the age of 18 and under 65 (male) 60 (female) and live and work in the UK.
Working for 16 hours a week or more in permanent employment (or self employment) which is not of a seasonal nature.
Not aware of any impending unemployment or redundancy.
Exemptions Limitations and Conditions you should be aware of (This is not an exhaustive list)*
You cannot claim for unemployment that is any way voluntary or willful or if you are dismissed for gross misconduct.
You will not be able to claim for anything you already know about such as an existing medical condition and/or impending unemployment/Redundancy*
You will no be able to claim for anything which is caused by any illegal act on your part (such as suicide or imprisonment), or anything which is caused by any deliberate act on your part (such as pregnancy, self inflicted injury, alcohol abuse, drug abuse or elective plastic surgery)*
If you would like to discuss Accident Sickness & Unemploymnet Insurance, please feel free to contact Solution Mortgages on 0845 123 1260 or apply online at