At Solution Mortgages Ltd we have a number of lenders who can help with all sorts of scenarios. it doesn’t matter if you are looking for a secured loan, remortgage or a purchase, we can assist with all types of lending. This week we are going to focus on one of our specialist lenders from our secured loans panel. They…
Category: Secured Loans
Deal of the week
Scenario, A client applied via our website looking to raise £25,000 by way of a remortgage. She wanted to raise the money for consolidation of her credit cards and to complete the proposed home improvements. The home improvements consisted of a new kitchen, new garage roof and a new patio. The difficulty she was having was a combination of…
Weekly insight into one of Lenders Criteria
At Solution Mortgages, we pride ourselves on our diverse panel of lenders. From our panel of lenders, we have some of the best products available. In our weekly blog on Lending criteria, we will give a snapshot of some of the standout points that help us find a solution where others can’t. This weeks lender helps clients who want…
Case Study – Can I get a mortgage with a Non Standard Construction Property?
A client came to us recently looking to raise £20,000 against a mortgage-free property. They had been declined on two counts. 1 – Their property is Timber framed and considered Non-Standard Construction. 2 – They had some historic defaults and CCj’s registered in the last two years. When we told them that we had a solution, they couldn’t believe it…

Non Standard Construction
At Solution Mortgages ltd we can help where others can’t in so many areas. The area we are focusing on here is the Non Standard Construction issue. So many people are being turned away due to their construction type, many of whom have plenty of equity and are getting frustrated by everyone telling them no. We have a number of…

Seven reasons why a secured loan might be a better option
Your current mortgage has a high penalty if you re-mortgage. If you are tied in for long periods and the penalty for coming out is 5% of the mortgage balance why not do a secured loan for now and re-mortgage to combine the two once the penalty period has expired. You must consider a further advance as this may be…

Secured Loans with bad credit
Getting finance is proving one of the hardest things to do at the moment. We are now 5 years in to the credit drought which has spiralled the global economy out of control. Mortgages and re-mortgages remain difficult to obtain even with a good credit history. There is a solution! The secured loan market is recovering at a better rate…
Getting a secured loan couldn't be simpler!
With the mortgage market still stuttering homeowners are getting frustrated at being unable to unlock their equity. Lending criteria remains tight, especially if you have some adverse points on your credit file. Secured loans is a side of the finance industry that is growing stronger by the day. Some of the key features are as follows:- Loan amounts from £3,000…