Many people are being turned away from the high street lenders due to having some adverse credit. It most cases these may have been minor glitches with good reason. Unfortunately we live in times where trying to raise finance even with a good credit history remains difficult.
Not only are we being turned away for having adverse credit but also for being self employed. Many people who have all there accounts are still deemed a risk. This can be both stressful and frustrating.
Here at Solution Mortgages we offer a number of products to help clients who have been turned away from the conventional lenders. In many cases you will find that the rates on offer are not too dissimilar to the ones advertised on the high street.
We have a panel of lenders which deal with the following;-
- CCJ's
- Defaults
- Mortgage arrears
- Non standard construction
- Self Employed
- Buy To Let's
- Consolidation
- Home improvements
- Homwowner loans
If you are having problems with arranging an adverse credit remortgage then please call us at Solution Mortgages Ltd on 0845 1231260 or visit our website